Time Tracking Software For Construction Workers on Multiple Jobsites

When you’re running projects out of multiple locations, keeping track of who is working where, who is working when and what exactly is happening can be one of your most difficult tasks.

Keeping track of these things is not easy, but if you have a good plan in place, you will be much less likely to find yourself losing track of what is going on with your various projects.

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Here are 5 ways to get started tracking employee time at multiple job sites.

1) Go High Tech

Programs like Google Calendar, Evernote, and others allow you and anyone who you give access to, the chance to work on the schedule. This is a great way to make sure you have all the jobs covered and give your leaders access to the information. Labor Sync's construction time card app can take the guesswork out of where your employees are spending their time which is great for forecasting alotted time.

2) Track All Time Worked

Even if you pay by the project or job, make sure you track the time your contractors are working. This can help you better plan for future projects and know if you are paying an appropriate amount for that job. Time tracking can be used for more than just pay, it will give greater insight to business owners over which projects are being completed on time and which are lagging behind expectations.

3) Require Check-Ins

Whether or not you are actually tracking every minute worked, it can help to have your employees check in with you throughout the day at each job site. This can give you a better idea of what is happening and possibly resolve problems before they turn into anything major. Managing multiple teams is no easy task and remote employees are especially prone to being left out of the loop.

4) Allow Phone Access

While it can be tempting to have a “no technology zone” on your job sites, allowing some access to smartphones, tablets or other devices is an excellent way to put time tracking in your employees’ hands. While these technology-free job sites are becoming less popular, some old-school contractors still think this is the best way to operate. But with labor shortages and plenty of construction jobs to apply for, allowing employees to manage their own time is a better way to operate.

5) Be Flexible In Your Approach to Time Tracking

While you may want to be present on one job site or you may rather stay in the office today, be willing to do what it takes to keep your jobs in order.

The key to keeping track of multiple workers at multiple locations is to find a solution that works for you. Your needs may be vastly different from another project manager or CEO.

Try one of these ideas and if it doesn’t work for you, don’t be afraid to try something different. It may take multiple attempts to find the perfect time tracking software for of all your projects, workers, and job sites.

Final Thoughts On Tracking Time At Multiple Jobsites

In the digital age, there are new technologies coming out every day that benefit employees and owners in nearly all industries. Construction time tracking technologies have been steadily improving for years and this is a great time to audit your tracking methods. Labor Sync's time tracking software tools are cost-effective and fully capable of managing employees in multiple job sites. As your business grows, it is important to ensure your management techniques improve equally as fast.


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